Striker and Goalkeeper Clinics

Taught by Irish International Striker & ForceNorth Coach Fiona O’Sullivan & USF D1 college GoalKeeper

Dates & Times:

  • December 1st, 2016 6:00-7:15pm
  • December 2nd, 2016 5:30-6:45pm
  • December 7th, 2016 5:30-6:45pm
  • December 8th, 2016 6:00-7:15pm
  • Location:

    Burlingamer Rollins Road, Burlingame

    Striker Training

  • Shooting technique, shooting for power, placement, curling, chipping, dipping
  • Scoring from crosses, breakaways, long range, close to goal, free kicks, back to goal, wide angles, moves to create space to shoot
  • End Result: Strikers that are skilled, confident taking chances, score goals, win games

    Goalkeeper Training

  • Footwork, mobility, ball handling, shot stopping, diving
  • Breakaways, crosses, corner kicks, free kicks
  • Clear instruction, repetition, game like situations
  • End Result: Goalkeepers that feel more confident, skilled & ready to lead their team

    Sample Sessions Outline:

  • Agility, balance, coordination training (10mins)
  • Separate Striker & Goalkeeper Training (25mins)
  • Combined shooting/Shot stopping (25mins)
  • Cost and Eligibility:

    Open to the first 20 Girls & Boys Ages U12 (2005) to U17 (2000)
    **Early sign-up special***
    Sign-up by Friday November 18th & only pay $150 for all 4 sessions!!!
    After November 18th - ALL 4 clinics for $175.
    Cost includes specific training plan, individual instruction & goal setting

    What to bring:

    Players should be dressed and ready to play soccer.
    Please have them wear: Indoor Soccer shoes (not cleats), shin guards, t-shirts and shorts.
    They should also bring a water bottle.

    We are at capacity. Registration for these clinics is now closed.